Letter C |
Code |
Name |
Country |
Country |
Country |
Country |
Country |
Country |
1 |
C+N+C |
Germany |
2 |
C.& F. |
Italy |
3 |
Cab |
4 |
Ca-bac |
Italy |
5 |
Cabalitto |
Germany |
6 |
Cabanillas |
Spain |
Cabaza de negro |
7 |
Cabilos |
Germany |
8 |
Cabin |
Germany |
9 |
Cabiri |
10 |
Cabrada |
11 |
Cactus |
Germany |
12 |
Spain |
13 |
Cadena |
14 |
Cadet |
Denmark |
15 |
Cadet (Coop) |
Switzerland |
16 |
Cadett (Cadet) |
17 |
Cadiz |
18 |
Cadium |
France |
19 |
Cadum |
19 |
Cagliari |
Italy |
20 |
Calendario Azteca |
Mexico |
21 |
Calidad |
Germany |
22 |
Calle |
23 |
Calvert |
24 |
Calypso |
25 |
Cambridge |
26 |
Camel |
Spain |
27 |
Cameo |
UK |
28 |
Camilo lames |
Spain |
29 |
Campana |
Spain |
30 |
Campeon |
31 |
Campfo |
Spain |
32 |
Canaletas |
Spain |
33 |
Canciller (Kron West) |
34 |
Candado |
Spain |
35 |
Candidius |
36 |
Candor |
France |
37 |
Canford |
Germany |
38 |
Canigo |
Spain |
39 |
Canon |
Spain |
40 |
Canto va |
Italy |
Canuck |
41 |
Capitol |
Germany |
42 |
Capitolio |
Spain |
43 |
Cap Polonio |
Germany |
44 |
Capri |
Germany |
45 |
Capriccio |
Hungary |
46 |
Captain |
Egypt |
47 |
Captain Lindbergh |
Germany |
48 |
Car |
Italy |
49 |
Cara |
50 |
Caraba |
51 |
Carabela |
Spain |
52 |
Caramba |
Germany |
53 |
Carat |
India |
54 |
Caravan |
55 |
Carbonex |
56 |
Cardinal |
57 |
Caresse |
Germany |
58 |
Carez |
India |
59 |
Carezza |
60 |
Caricia |
Brazil |
61 |
Carillon |
Netherlands |
62 |
Caricca |
Spain |
63 |
Carl Engels |
Germany |
64 |
Carl Herder |
Netherlands |
Carl Saur 50 jahre |
65 |
Carlo |
Belgium |
Ireland |
66 |
Carlo 555 (Carlo) |
Ireland |
67 |
Carl Rader |
68 |
Carlsen |
Denmark |
69 |
Carlton |
70 |
Carmen |
Germany |
Hungary |
71 |
Carmona |
Spain |
72 |
Carnaby |
India |
73 |
Carnival |
74 |
Carnos |
Germany |
75 |
Carnot |
France |
76 |
Carola |
77 |
Caroliina |
78 |
Carrara |
Germany |
79 |
Carreau |
80 |
Carre d'As (Carre de Ases) |
81 |
Carsch |
82 |
Carso |
Italy |
83 |
Carson's |
84 |
Carter |
UK |
85 |
Caruso |
86 |
Ca-ru-so (Caruso) |
Germany |
87 |
Carvan |
India |
88 |
C.A.S. |
Germany |
89 |
Casa Carlos Razetti Buenos Aires |
France |
90 |
Casa Morena |
Spain |
91 |
Casa Niera |
Spain |
92 |
Casanova |
Hungary |
Italy |
93 |
Cascorro |
Spain |
94 |
Casey Jones |
95 |
Castello |
96 |
Castelmen |
Germany |
97 |
Castelo |
Spain |
98 |
Castilla |
Spain |
99 |
Castillo |
100 |
Castle |
UK |
Italy |
101 |
Castrol |
Denmark |
102 |
Cat |
Germany |
103 |
Catalunya |
Spain |
104 |
Catedral |
Spain |
105 |
Catto |
Italy |
106 |
Caudanc & C. |
Italy |
107 |
Caudron |
France |
108 |
Cavalcade |
109 |
Cavalier |
Germany |
Hungary |
Canada |
110 |
Cavalinobianco (Whitehorse) |
Italy |
111 |
Cavallo |
Italy |
112 |
Cavalry |
113 |
C.Birmann |
Germany |
114 |
Italy |
115 |
C.C. |
Denmark |
116 |
C.D.Victoria |
Spain |
117 |
C.E. |
118 |
Cechie |
119 |
Cecil |
Denmark |
120 |
Cedro |
Germany |
121 |
Ceerka |
Germany |
122 |
Celetina |
123 |
Cell-0 |
124 |
Celta |
Spain |
France |
125 |
Celte |
France |
126 |
Celtik |
UK |
127 |
Centaur |
Germany |
Italy |
128 |
Center |
129 |
Centons |
130 |
Centra |
Netherlands |
131 |
Central |
132 |
Centrum |
Sweden |
133 |
Century |
Netherlands |
Sweden |
134 |
Centwin |
135 |
Cepelka hubertus |
136 |
Cepelka na tvrdy vous (Tvrdy vous) |
137 |
Cepelka pro slesti |
138 |
Cepi-callos |
139 |
Cerchi-oro |
Italy |
140 |
Cerf |
France |
141 |
Cernoch |
142 |
Cerrus |
143 |
Cervena zdar buh (Zdar buh) |
144 |
Cervinia |
Italy |
145 |
Cesar |
146 |
Cesare |
Italy |
147 |
Cesar Fablo Fernandez |
Spain |
148 |
Cesia |
149 |
Cesir |
Italy |
150 |
Cesky raj |
151 |
CF |
France |
152 |
C.F. (Luksusbolaget) |
Denmark |
153 |
CF Klinge |
154 |
C.G.F. |
France |
155 |
C.H. |
Italy |
156 |
Chade |
157 |
Chairman |
UK |
158 |
Chalker |
159 |
Challenge |
160 |
Champion |
UK |
161 |
Chance |
162 |
Chand |
Germany |
163 |
Chandra |
Spain |
164 |
Chara wembe asilia |
Tanzania |
165 |
Charcoal |
Sweden |
166 |
Chartus |
UK |
167 |
Chateal |
France |
168 |
Chatellerault |
France |
169 |
Chazalettes Vermut Torino |
Italy |
170 |
Checkerboy |
Sweden |
171 |
Cheerio |
172 |
Chef |
173 |
Chess |
174 |
Chessther |
175 |
Chest |
Japan |
176 |
Chevalier |
177 |
Chic |
Spain |
178 |
Chicago |
Chile |
179 |
Chicote |
Spain |
180 |
Chieftain |
181 |
Childs |
182 |
Chillingsworth |
Hungary |
183 |
China |
184 |
Chippendale |
185 |
Chisel M3 blade (M3) |
UK |
186 |
Christians |
187 |
Christy |
188 |
Chrom |
189 |
Chromeria |
190 |
Chromex |
India |
191 |
Chromolit |
Denmark |
192 |
Chrom steel |
193 |
Chronik |
194 |
Chr.vh |
Denmark |
195 |
196 |
197 |
Chum |
198 |
Cibeles |
199 |
Cicam |
200 |
Cicero |
201 |
Ciclon |
202 |
Cielo de Madrid |
203 |
Ciha |
204 |
Cirkle |
Ireland |
205 |
Cirkulo |
Colombia |
206 |
Cirene |
Italy |
207 |
Cisne |
208 |
C.l.T. (Corona) |
Italy |
209 |
Citizen |
210 |
Cito |
211 |
City |
212 |
CJC Minoseg |
Hungary |
213 |
C Kulonlegesseg |
Hungary |
214 |
Clar |
215 |
Clary |
France |
216 |
Claudio |
Italy |
217 |
Clauss |
218 |
Clean out |
Italy |
219 |
Clean shave |
Italy |
220 |
Cleeso |
221 |
Cleo |
222 |
Cleopatra |
223 |
Clermont |
France |
224 |
Clifton |
225 |
Climax |
226 |
Clingston |
227 |
Clipor |
228 |
Clipper |
229 |
Clipper (Blue clipper) |
230 |
Clippon |
231 |
Clix |
232 |
C.L.Longert |
Poland |
233 |
Closhave |
234 |
Clou |
France |
Cloud |
235 |
Club |
236 |
C.M.P. |
Denmark |
237 |
238 |
Coaster |
239 |
Cobra work's |
240 |
CoCaCo |
Germany |
241 |
Cocat |
Germany |
242 |
Cocinero |
243 |
Cock |
Denmark |
244 |
Cocks |
245 |
Coconut |
Germany |
246 |
Cofag |
Belgium |
247 |
Coffman |
248 |
Cogne |
Italy |
249 |
Cohete |
Spain |
250 |
Colas France |
France |
251 |
Coleccion |
252 |
Colen's |
253 |
Colibri |
Italy |
254 |
Coli-om |
Spain |
255 |
Colmenero |
Spain |
256 |
Colo-colo |
chile |
257 |
Colombi |
258 |
Colon |
Spain |
259 |
Colonel |
UK |
260 |
Colonel Lee (Kentucky) |
261 |
Colonia klinge |
Germany |
262 |
Colonial |
Argentina |
263 |
Coloss |
Yugoslavia |
264 |
Colosseo |
Italy |
265 |
Colt |
Mexico |
266 |
Coltex |
Germany |
267 |
Columbia |
Italy |
268 |
Columbus |
Germany |
269 |
Columbus day |
Italy |
270 |
Comet |
Denmark |
Ireland |
India |
271 |
Comfort |
272 |
Commander |
Germany |
273 |
Competencia |
Spain |
274 |
Comphoir |
Germany |
275 |
Comis |
Germany |
276 |
Complete with |
277 |
Conboy |
Germany |
278 |
Concave |
279 |
Concaver |
280 |
Concolidated |
281 |
Concord |
282 |
Condor |
283 |
Conducator |
Italy |
284 |
Confecoiones reunidas |
Spain |
285 |
Confianza |
Germany |
Congo |
286 |
Congress |
Germany |
287 |
Conny |
288 |
Conqueror |
UK |
289 |
Conquista |
Spain |
290 |
Conrad |
291 |
Consolidated |
292 |
Constable |
Germany |
293 |
Constellation |
294 |
Consul |
Hungary |
295 |
Consulate |
India |
296 |
Contact |
Germany |
297 |
Contellette |
Germany |
298 |
Contento |
299 |
Conte verde |
Germany |
300 |
Continental |
Hungary |
Denmark |
301 |
Contra |
302 |
Contre la Maladie |
303 |
Contropelo |
Italy |
304 |
Coop |
305 |
Coop (Wiikinson) |
UK |
306 |
Cooper |
307 |
Coop Ultraflex |
Italy |
308 |
Coppi |
Italy |
309 |
Coq |
310 |
Cora |
311 |
Cordor |
312 |
Comer |
Belgium |
313 |
Corona |
Belgium |
Italy |
Latvia |
314 |
Coronado |
315 |
Coronas |
316 |
Coronet |
317 |
Coronia |
Germany |
318 |
Corn plane |
319 |
Corriente |
320 |
Corrux (Everready) |
Canada |
321 |
Corsil |
Hungary |
322 |
Corso |
Italy |
323 |
Corux |
324 |
Corvin |
325 |
Cosmeta |
326 |
Cosmopolite |
327 |
Cosmos |
Germany |
328 |
Costazul |
Spain |
329 |
Costes |
?Spain |
330 |
Coto |
Italy |
331 |
Coup |
332 |
Coupe cours de suriete (Simplicimus) |
France |
333 |
Courier |
334 |
Couronne |
France |
335 |
Court |
UK |
336 |
Coutellerie Marcel |
France |
337 |
Cow-boy |
338 |
Cowboy |
Germany |
339 |
Cow boy |
Italy |
340 |
Coy |
Spain |
341 |
CP |
342 |
C Penge |
Hungary |
343 |
Crafts |
344 |
Craftsman |
345 |
Crasco |
346 |
Credo |
Spain |
347 |
C Record |
Hungary |
348 |
Crescent |
349 |
Crespin |
France |
350 |
Crest |
UK |
351 |
Creusot |
352 |
Cricket |
353 |
Cristal |
354 |
Cristall |
Germany |
355 |
Crose di Malta |
Italy |
356 |
Crocodil |
Italy |
357 |
Crocodile |
358 |
Croidon |
Italy |
359 |
Crom |
Sweden |
360 |
Croma |
361 |
Cromo |
Denmark |
362 |
Cromwell |
363 |
Cro-nic |
364 |
Cross |
UK |
365 |
Cross (Mark cross) |
366 |
Crown |
367 |
Crown & Sword (ERN) |
Germany |
368 |
Crown and eagle brand |
Germany |
369 |
Cruz de Aciero |
370 |
Cruz de Hierro |
Argentina |
371 |
Cruz del Campo |
Spain |
372 |
Crystal |
373 |
Csaba |
Hungary |
Csoda (A-Be-Ce) |
374 |
C Songor |
Hungary |
375 |
Cs Praha 1965(IIICs) |
376 |
C.T.Niborg |
Denmark |
377 |
Cual |
Spain |
378 |
Cue |
379 |
Cufag |
Belgium |
380 |
Cumbre |
381 |
Cunfo |
Italy |
382 |
Cup |
Sweden |
383 |
Cupido |
Spain |
384 |
Custom |
385 |
Cutisan |
Denmark |
386 |
Cutlen |
387 |
Cy (cypre) |
Spain |
388 |
Cygnetic |
389 |
Cyklon |
390 |
Cyklop |
Hungary |
391 |
Cypre |
Spain |
392 |
Cyrano |
France |
393 |
Cz. |
Spain |
394 |
Cztery asy (4 asy) |