Letter L |
Code |
Name |
Country |
Country |
Country |
Country |
Country |
Country |
1 |
La alkazaba |
Spain |
2 |
La alhambra |
Spain |
3 |
La andaluza |
4 |
La angelita |
Spain |
5 |
La atchica |
Spain |
6 |
Labana |
Spain |
7 |
La baraja |
Spain |
8 |
La be |
Spain |
9 |
L'abeille |
France |
10 |
La bella |
Spain |
11 |
La belleza |
Spain |
12 |
Labor |
?Hungary |
Italy |
13 |
La buena hoja |
Spain |
14 |
La cadena |
15 |
La caraba |
16 |
La carmina |
Spain |
17 |
La castellana |
Spain |
18 |
La chavalita |
Spain |
19 |
La chevalier |
France |
20 |
La cibeles |
21 |
Lada |
22 |
La dalia |
Spain |
23 |
Ladas |
24 |
Laddos |
25 |
Lady |
26 |
La espaniola |
Colombia |
Spain |
27 |
La estrella |
Spain |
28 |
La fama |
Germany |
29 |
La fama |
Spain |
30 |
Lafana |
31 |
La fayette |
France |
Hungary |
32 |
La flelr |
France |
33 |
La flotte |
France |
34 |
La france |
France |
35 |
La gaditana |
Spain |
36 |
La giralda |
Spain |
37 |
Lagofa |
Denmark |
38 |
Laguna |
Spain |
39 |
La hoja de parra |
Spain |
40 |
Laidlaw |
Germany |
41 |
L'aigle |
Algeria |
42 |
L'aiglon |
France |
43 |
La importadora |
Spain |
44 |
Lakor |
?Germany |
45 |
La kor |
Spain |
46 |
La lame du diable |
France |
47 |
La lame du louvre |
France |
48 |
La lame P.Y. |
France |
49 |
La llave (l llave) |
Spain |
50 |
L'alpino |
51 |
La maceta |
52 |
La mar |
Spain |
53 |
La marine |
India |
54 |
La mea |
France |
55 |
La mejor |
Spain |
56 |
Lama |
Italy |
57 |
Lama 7 bello (lama
settebello) |
Germany |
58 |
Lama azzurra |
59 |
Lama blouresti |
Romania |
60 |
Lama Italia |
61 |
Lama settebello |
Germany |
62 |
Lama sport |
63 |
Lama sport (sporting) |
Switzerland |
64 |
Lamarr |
Sweden |
65 |
Lame anit (anit) |
France |
66 |
Lame cesar (cesar) |
France |
67 |
Lame de diable |
Switzerland |
68 |
Lame de rasoir |
69 |
Lame de surete |
70 |
Lame mince (mince) |
France |
71 |
Lame pourrasoirs de
surets |
France |
72 |
Lamee |
France |
73 |
L'americaine |
France |
74 |
Lames eleues |
France |
75 |
Lames speciales |
France |
76 |
Lames superieures |
77 |
Lamextra |
Switzerland |
78 |
L'amica |
Italy |
79 |
La micheline |
France |
80 |
La mienne |
Germany |
de peuple |
81 |
Lamita |
82 |
La montana |
Spain |
83 |
Lamohan - hickey CO. |
84 |
Lampion |
Hungary |
85 |
Lampo |
Italy |
86 |
Lamy |
Congo |
87 |
Lanar |
88 |
La nazionale |
Italy |
89 |
Lancer |
90 |
Lancet |
Denmark |
91 |
Landera |
Spain |
92 |
Landesfreund |
93 |
Landex |
UK |
94 |
Land graaf |
Netherlands |
95 |
Landis |
96 |
Landorrana |
Spain |
97 |
Landsmann |
Spain |
98 |
Lan fei |
99 |
Lan fei pai |
100 |
Langerova ' cepelka |
101 |
Lanjaron |
Spain |
102 |
Lanso |
Germany |
103 |
Lantos |
Hungary |
104 |
La nueva |
105 |
La parisienne |
106 |
La phenix |
107 |
La preferida |
108 |
La quotidienne |
109 |
La rapida |
Italy |
110 |
La reja |
Spain |
111 |
Largo |
Hungary |
112 |
Larius |
Germany |
113 |
L'armee francaise |
France |
114 |
La - ro |
Germany |
115 |
Larom |
?Germany |
116 |
La rosa |
Spain |
117 |
Laroussa |
118 |
L'arrive |
Hungary |
119 |
Larsen |
Denmark |
120 |
La salle |
121 |
La soberrana |
122 |
La sorpresa |
Spain |
123 |
Las tres gracias |
Spain |
124 |
La sultana |
125 |
Latoja |
Spain |
126 |
Latorresa |
Spain |
127 |
La tricolore |
France |
128 |
Laufer |
129 |
Lauge |
Denmark |
130 |
La unica |
Germany |
131 |
Laurel |
132 |
Laurin |
133 |
La - ve |
Hungary |
134 |
Lavernoya |
Spain |
135 |
La vichyssoise |
136 |
Lavone |
Sweden |
137 |
Lazar |
Spain |
138 |
Lazer |
139 |
LB |
Germany |
140 |
L.B.G. |
Switzerland |
141 |
L.Bresson |
France |
142 |
L.C. |
143 |
L.D.E. |
Italy |
144 |
Leader C.P.P. |
145 |
Leander |
Germany |
?Spain |
146 |
Le bateau |
147 |
Lebern |
Hungary |
148 |
Lechja |
Poland |
149 |
Leclero |
France |
150 |
Leco |
151 |
Le coq |
152 |
Lecoultre |
Switzerland |
153 |
Le creusot |
154 |
Le croci |
Germany |
155 |
Leda |
Hungary |
156 |
Leeda |
UK |
157 |
Legion |
158 |
Legion extrangera |
Pakistan |
Chile |
159 |
Legion extranjera |
160 |
Legjobe |
Hungary |
161 |
Le greliot hospital |
France |
162 |
Le herisson |
Switzerland |
Leila |
163 |
Lejon |
164 |
Leknin |
165 |
Lektron |
166 |
Le lion |
167 |
Le matin |
France |
168 |
Lemedro |
Hungary |
169 |
Lemvid - vort eged
blad |
Denmark |
170 |
Leningrad |
Lennartz |
171 |
Leo |
Germany |
Denmark |
Hungary |
?Poland |
Italy |
172 |
Leon |
173 |
Leonblade |
174 |
Leone |
Spain |
175 |
Leone (del leone) |
176 |
Leon hartsberger |
177 |
Leonrex |
Denmark |
Hungary |
178 |
Leresche |
179 |
Lerrida (util) |
Italy |
180 |
Les deux tours |
France |
181 |
Le signal |
Germany |
182 |
Les lames de france |
France |
183 |
Les lames superieures |
France |
184 |
Lesota |
185 |
Le sportman |
France |
186 |
L'essor |
France |
187 |
Letka |
188 |
Leuatahl |
Germany |
189 |
Levant |
Germany |
190 |
Levante |
Italy |
191 |
Le velours |
Belgium |
France |
192 |
Levente |
Hungary |
193 |
Lexa |
Denmark |
194 |
Lexington |
Pakistan |
UK |
195 |
Le zebre |
196 |
L' hotel de ville |
France |
197 |
Lia |
?Netherlands |
198 |
Liana |
Germany |
199 |
Libano |
Spain |
200 |
Libelle |
201 |
Liberecke |
202 |
Liberty |
Hungary |
Italy |
Chile |
203 |
Libette |
Sweden |
204 |
Libica |
Italy |
205 |
Libo |
?Germany |
206 |
Libretto |
Germany |
207 |
Licence francaise |
208 |
Lida |
209 |
L .I .D. A. (toledo) |
Spain |
210 |
Lider |
Argentina |
Spain |
Pakistan |
211 |
Lidlow |
212 |
Lido |
Poland |
213 |
Lido (letka) |
214 |
Lidova drogerie |
215 |
Liese |
216 |
Lieses (liese) |
217 |
Liese's (liese) |
Germany |
218 |
Life |
Argentina |
Pakistan |
219 |
Life - boy |
UK |
220 |
Light of india |
Germany |
221 |
Likos |
Yugoslavia |
222 |
Liliom |
Hungary |
223 |
Liljeovists |
Hungary |
224 |
Lilla |
Hungary |
225 |
226 |
Lindarna |
Sweden |
227 |
Linden |
228 |
Linds fandslipadj |
Sweden |
229 |
Lindwurm klinge |
230 |
Lines |
Denmark |
231 |
Linhart |
232 |
Linhartova (linhart) |
233 |
Linie 5 |
Denmark |
234 |
Linkat GMBH |
235 |
"Linn" |
Germany |
236 |
L' investigatore |
Italy |
237 |
L' invincible |
238 |
Lion |
Denmark |
Hungary |
239 |
Lion blade |
Germany |
240 |
Lion brand |
Germany |
241 |
Lions (The lions) |
Germany |
242 |
Lipka |
243 |
Lis |
Hungary |
244 |
Lisistra |
245 |
Liska |
Denmark |
246 |
Listra |
Denmark |
247 |
Liswa |
Germany |
248 |
L' italiana |
Italy |
249 |
L'italica |
Germany |
Italy |
250 |
Littoria |
Italy |
251 |
Littoriana |
Italy |
252 |
Livares |
Spain |
253 |
Livaron |
Spain |
254 |
Ljorfter |
Germany |
255 |
L keskari |
Germany |
256 |
L liave |
Spain |
257 |
Llobregat |
Spain |
258 |
Lliveras (Llobregat) |
Spain |
259 |
Lloyd |
Germany |
260 |
Lloyd's |
261 |
France |
262 |
L.N. |
Hungary |
263 |
LN (L N) |
264 |
Lobo |
Spain |
265 |
Locarno |
Italy |
266 |
Locher |
Switzerland |
267 |
Lodsen - oel |
Germany |
268 |
Lofa |
Denmark |
269 |
Lofanty's |
270 |
Loffain |
Hungary |
271 |
Lohmer |
Germany |
272 |
Lolo |
Switzerland |
273 |
London |
Italy |
274 |
London bridge |
Egypt |
275 |
London city |
?UK |
276 |
Long - life |
?UK |
?USA |
277 |
Longvi - selection |
France |
278 |
"Lonka" |
Netherlands |
279 |
Loosen - del |
Germany |
280 |
Lopez hermanos |
Spain |
281 |
L.O.R. |
Italy |
282 |
Lora |
283 |
Lord |
Spain |
Hungary |
284 |
Lord blade |
Italy |
285 |
Lorenzi |
286 |
Lorenzis edelklinge |
Switzerland |
287 |
Los des abuelos |
Spain |
288 |
Los madrilenos |
289 |
Los novios |
290 |
Los vasoos |
Spain |
291 |
Lota |
Denmark |
292 |
Lotnik |
Poland |
293 |
Lotus |
294 |
Louis berthier |
France |
295 |
Lourer klinge |
Germany |
296 |
Louvre |
France |
297 |
Lovag |
Hungary |
298 |
Lovas |
299 |
Lovas (LSV) |
Germany |
300 |
Lovholt |
Denmark |
301 |
Lowen |
302 |
L robin |
France |
303 |
?Germany |
304 |
Lubin |
305 |
Lubo |
306 |
Lucky |
Germany |
Pakistan |
Italy |
307 |
Lucky - boy |
308 |
Lucky - stroke |
309 |
Ludlow |
310 |
Luma |
Spain |
311 |
Luna |
Germany |
Lupus (Edelstahl) |
312 |
L'domo nero |
Italy |
313 |
Luthi |
314 |
Lutz |
315 |
Luwa |
?Germany |
316 |
Lux |
Italy |
317 |
Lux blade |
318 |
Luxor |
Netherlands |
Germany |
Italy |
319 |
Lux gold |
Sweden |
320 |
Luxlosa |
321 |
Luxury |
India |
322 |
Luxus |
Austria |
Germany |
323 |
Luxus (A - Be - Ce) |
Hungary |
324 |
Luxus (De - Pe) |
325 |
Luxus (fenyves) |
Hungary |
326 |
Luxus (gerlach) |
Poland |
327 |
Luxus nobel (gold
nobel) |
328 |
Luxus WHS |
Germany |
329 |
Luz |
Spain |
Italy |
330 |
Luzifex |
331 |
Lygius |
Germany |
332 |
Lyn |
Denmark |
333 |
Lyon |
Denmark |
334 |
Lys |
335 |
Lyx |
Sweden |
336 |
L.S.G. |
Switzerland |
337 |
L&B |